What for? For the 'Challenge Yourself' brief presented to the happy students of Communication Design @RMIT by Elizabeth Farlie, Reinar Rivera and Chris Hewson(listed in the order of most dependable when it comes to attendance to least. Chris is such a rare pokemon...)
For my challenge, I decided to address my fear of the sewing machine(of doom). It's plagued me from my childhood 'til now, starring in my nightmares as the evil sewing machine(of doom) monster... I think I first started being scared of it watching mum work on it as a child. It made strange loud noises, shook the table and the super fast moving needle didn't make it appear more friendly either.
Before I started trying to work with it, I got mum to teach me the ropes. (Also got her to promise that it wouldn't eat me.) It helped a lot just knowing what things were for... made the contraption a lot less confusing/mysterious/scary.

I owe a huuuuuuuuuge 'THANK YOU' to Mummy dearest for supervising me through the whole thing, and to Elizabeth, Reinar and Chris(too; since he did help me that one time he showed up to class) for getting me to do it! Maybe, with enough time and practice, I can be a sewing machine-machine! Geddit? (I'm so lame when I'm feeling proud... :P)
wahh!! a sewing machine is something i've always wanted! hehe..
its on my list. of ultimate things to own lol..
ive only ever wanted 5 things ><
a table, a bike, french horn, sewing machine and my own toilet LOL!
anyways.. awesome ya got over ya mr evil machine view XD
Cute haha.. I faced it at natalie's house... Sort of scared me cause I remember my family friend's finger was stabbed by it. Imagine that, a needle through the index finger. Anyway, Hopefully I didn't bring out the fear which you had overcomed. Gomen!
Did no one attend Textiles class in yr 7-8???
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