I decided to take advantage of my comics not having boxes seperating each frame and playing around with things a little... the lady and man don't actually become the same person, okay? ...I don't know, is it too confusing?
Also, whaddya think of this blog becoming a comic blog? Lately, I've been getting lots of inspiration to draw comics... and it's really fun doing them and then reading your comments & feedback. Based on the comment count, it seems that my comics are more interesting to read than stories about my life.:P
This time, I have Mr.Andy Yu to thank for the inspiration! Yep, it only took 2 lines...
(9:41 PM) andy: what kind of soup did you have?Have you noticed that all my comics so far have been based around food?o.o Oreos, Coffee, Bacon and now Soup!
(9:41 PM) (tu) Feng: cream of chicken n mushroom
(9:46 PM) andy: yum
(9:58 PM) (tu) Feng: it was...
(9:58 PM) (tu) Feng: warms you up from the inside
(9:58 PM) (tu) Feng: it's like LOVE.
(9:59 PM) (tu) Feng: Soup is like love...
(9:59 PM) (tu) Feng: I could make another comic from that
Doof si doog!
Food is good!
Food is good!