First up, in preparation for studying, I borrowed Shun's physics notes, courtesy of Jack to photocopy for my own since I was too lazy to go to the lessons, thinking that I didn't really need it. (Still not sure whether I needed it or not but ah well, better safe than sorry~) Unexpectedly, Shun handed me a huge pile of notes... there were over 50 pages! I am now pro at photocopying!

Apart from photocopying and studying, I have also been drawing A LOT lately, which makes me happy! It's like a huge surge of inspiration combined with the nagging urge to draw finally took over my laziness and got me to be productive! Also, I found that I had somehow magically improved suddenly. o.o I'm still in the experimental stages of CG though... my next piece will be an experiment on colour!^^ Here are the pieces I've done so far:
(click on the thumbnails to see the larger versions)

All 3 were done in Photoshop CS2 with the brush tool. I like leaving the brush strokes in instead of completely blending them out, i think it makes the piece more interesting.:) My viscom teacher seemed impressed, so I'm happy!
Oh yeah, I've taken up Soccer again! Yay for exercise! Exercise is supposed to relieve stress (from studying...?)!^^ I actually really like playing soccer... it's more fun than I remembered. I used to play in at breaks and lunchtimes in yr 5 or 6 at G.I.S... but stopped when one of my toenails came off.................... anyway! My soccer skills have deteriorated! I have been reduced to only being able to steal the ball from the opposition. Sure, I do that relatively well... but when I do get the ball from the other player, I have no clue what to do with it. Pass it? Yeah, chances are it'd be passed back to the person I stole it from or someone in their team.TwT Also, the only person who passes me the ball is Darren(cheah)... probably out of pity. OTL Appreciated under normal circumstances, Darren. However, I am not involved in normal circumstances in soccer due to my lack of skills........ I MUST IMPROVE. I will improve. It would help if the ball would stop flying at me though.:P

Oh yeah, I've taken up Soccer again! Yay for exercise! Exercise is supposed to relieve stress (from studying...?)!^^ I actually really like playing soccer... it's more fun than I remembered. I used to play in at breaks and lunchtimes in yr 5 or 6 at G.I.S... but stopped when one of my toenails came off.................... anyway! My soccer skills have deteriorated! I have been reduced to only being able to steal the ball from the opposition. Sure, I do that relatively well... but when I do get the ball from the other player, I have no clue what to do with it. Pass it? Yeah, chances are it'd be passed back to the person I stole it from or someone in their team.TwT Also, the only person who passes me the ball is Darren(cheah)... probably out of pity. OTL Appreciated under normal circumstances, Darren. However, I am not involved in normal circumstances in soccer due to my lack of skills........ I MUST IMPROVE. I will improve. It would help if the ball would stop flying at me though.:P

Now for the more photo heavy segment of this entry; 'What I did today'. I STUDIED and procrastinated studying with the help of Mr. Camera! I had fun exploring perspective...



and then came the silly shots...

how bad would these look if I had a double-chin?:P


After taking many macro shots of objects (pencils, notes, calculator, keyboard, handphone, mints, brushes, lamp) I got bored and turned the camera on myself.... Perspective under shots aren't flattering at all but oh well!:P(note: No laughing at my weird Appolo Justice hair!>.> I was physically in studying mode!)

and then came the silly shots...

how bad would these look if I had a double-chin?:P
sigh... blogging break is over. Back to studying~ Good luck with exams, everyone!